Tag Archives: handspun

Simple Contest……

Come to think of it, when was the last time I had a contest, a give away? A long time ago, thats when…….A skein of yarn, spun by me, on my Majacraft Suzi Pro, washed, twirled, twanged and whacked from this:


to this:



Dyed by FeltStudioUK  BFL approx 90gms 128yrds 13wpi

……….can be yours. So what do you have to do to win this? Well…..it’s simple, leave a comment, tell me something, your favoutite things, the size of your feet,  what’s in your handbag, what you’re knitting/crocheting, an embarassing moment,  what brings you to my blog, likes and dislikes, inspirations, what would you knit with this yarn, or maybe you can give a name to this handspun……anything!!! Simple!!….easy peasy lemon squeezy!

One lucky winner will be chosen using the Random Number Generator.  Last date for your comments will be Sunday 10th May and at 10pm BST when I will announce the winner. So post a comment!

Bad Spin, Good Spin….

Now when is that Yarnsnob going to show us some spinning I hear you all cry? Ok Ok…here goes……my first attempts, which I trashed but dug out of the bin so I can remember how crap I was! Art yarn maybe? Look closely….there are coils and plenty of them! See the twists? YAY! YARN!


It does get slightly better, really it does…..look this IS Art Yarn


…..and better still……there’s a bit of normal plying here


and navajo plying here……


a spin kept as singles…..


and…….Look SUCCESS! I did it! I’m having a real blast with my new toy……is this addictive or what!


Note to myself…..you can’t spin merino yet, so avoid until you can.

Santa Came…..

…..early and with him, he brought me gifts from two of my many wonderful friends….Belaybunny and Sheknitigans.

From Belaybunny, a lovely knitted scarf in laceweight yarn which is ever so warm.


Some of her handspun yarn which is ever so soft



…….and PY Dale/Laura in Purple Perry, so purple, so soft, so lovely.


Thank you.

From my lost twin Coley, I have my first ever Sundara Yarn in Deadly Nightshade.


I know what all the fuss is about with this yarn. The colour is so intense and the base yarn is so soft. Thank you so much for your wonderful kindness and for thinking of me this festive season. Love to you both. XX