The Holiday…..One Crazy Country

First of all and most importantly, I’d like to say a big thank you on behalf of my sister for all the well wishes. Some of you will know why I suddenly jumped on the next plane out of UK. She’s doing great and all went extremely well. Thank you.

I’ve been so behind in my blog reading, hundred of emails to read and reply and Ravelry, I’ve missed so much and I think I am getting there. Sorry for not reply, posting comments etc, I haven’t forgotton about you all.

It’s been a good week and half now since my feet landed back on UK soil and trying to get round the time difference, well has been difficult, waking up during the most weirdest hours, knodding off during dinner but finally, and a BIG finally, my body has returned back to normal, my sleeping pattern, my diet, my lazy days……. My head has found my body again or my body has found my head, whichever way, its back to my normal routine. One thing that still remains unchanged…….I go for the toilet handle on the left when my toilet hand is on the right!!! Don’t ask my why I am still doing this. I can’t explain.

So……I hear you asking, how was the holiday? Well, apart from being frozen during the first week on arrival, (weather was really cold) and not taking many photos cos I kept forgettng to, one word….CRAZY! This is one craaaazzy, manic country. The country is overcrowded, busy, manic and people rushing to get to their destinations. Trains often crammed with people, going to work, shoppers, tourists… cannot stop or you’d be left behind. Shopping malls so crowded, its unbelievable where or how they find time to shop. Restaurants crowded, you’d have to wait for a table. The smaller eateries, you’d often have to share a table with some complete stranger.

Every morning I’d wake up to the faint sound of a music, flute playing in the background and the smell of burning incense. It was like dreaming. An old lady in the next flat would wake up very early and pray. Then the hustle and bustle of the early morning market stalls would suddenly wake you up…..yeah I am still in HK. The street vendors make such a racket in the morning, totally impossible to have a lie in.

apm.jpg APM Shopping Mall

My second day on arrival was to hunt down the yarn stores. I found quite a few on my travels. Some more well stocked in yarns than others but trying to buy without being pressured was hard. Nearly all the yarns were behind the counter in clear bags and in order to fondle, you’d have to ask to have a look. Then once you’ve done that…..well you’re in for the hard sell. They will try and sell you the yarn and tell you that  this colour is so popular and hard to find and a bargain price and it would be some bright fluorescent colour. Or they sell you some stock they are trying to shift!! I once asked for cashmere……trying to say in Chinese, but I totally made a fool of myself……caaass – eee – meereee, I was shown alpaca!!! I gave up looking for cashmere after that! Lots of yarns, acrylic, merino wool, alpaca, nylon, but nothing really smacked me in the face. I also found small market stores often selling cones of unlabelled yarn but you’d have no idea of what you’re buying. I did once stumble across a lady with a holdall of what looked like recycled yarn. They looked like she had maybe frogged a jumper and wound the wool to sell, the yarn still had kinks in it, just like noodles lol.

You know this thing about copyright? You can’t photocopy a pattern from a book etc right?…..well, they don’t know what copyright is!! You can easily request a pattern from a book if you’ve made a purchase or for 2HKD per photocopy!!! It’s not illegal. I notice a group of ladies knitting at a store and she openly asked if she could have a copy of this. The retailer just photocopied it. This is HK!

Bargains? yeah I did find and I wasn’t about to leave HK without a few of these….


Addi needles…..and guess how much? Amazingly cheap from £1.50 to under £2.00 per needle! Can you believe that?? Funnily, they only stock lengths 40cm to 80cm, nothing longer or shorter. They don’t knit socks or blankets there. So I bought the sizes I needed. How could I resist at that price???



A few balls of Japanese yarns Granbia by Hamanaka, and some Japanese crochet books. Yarn was slightly expensive with only 40gm per ball and yardage was not generous either but it felt like Malabrigo and very soft, I couldn’t let this get away.

One of the quietest shopping malls I have been to


Elements, newly opened aimed for the posher shoppers. It was here I found a copy of IK Holiday Gifts 2007. Possibly the only copy ever in HK and it was mine 🙂

……and something I found so hilarious


Queuing up to enter Louis Vuitton Store? Were they giving away a free LV bag?? Was there someone famous in there? No, my sister tells me this is normal on a weekend. LV is so popular in HK that the second biggest store in the world is opening just a few doors down! See that guy with the pink luggage? what does he think he’s buying…..a load of wallets? I wonder 🙂

harbour-city.jpgHarbour City

The country is full of designer gear. I’ve seen girls dressed from head to toe in Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Mui Mui, Dior. I felt out of place in my scruffy jeans and t shirt. Girls, so thin, make up applied perfectly, designer bag in one arm, designer store shopping bag in other! How do they stay so thin when you see these?


and these?


very very yummy. especially that Mango fruit slice mmmmmm. Coffee is my morning fix for the day but not made with evaporated milk. Asked why they use this, cos its cheap and fresh milk is expensive. Ok….why so expensive? Cos there are no cows in HK, ok enough said. Starbucks and Pacific Coffee were “a must” and whenever I’d pass one, I’d grab one.

I could go on and on about my travels to HK but won’t bore you to death with it. I taught my sister to crochet whilst I was there and she is busy crocheting a small blanket. I lost my knitting mojo upon return, just didn’t feel the urge to knit or fondle my yarns. Since then, I’ve cast on a project. I’ll tell you more on that later and what yummy yarns arrived just in the last few days.

Have I bored you? Hope not 🙂

17 responses to “The Holiday…..One Crazy Country

  • Donna

    Glad to have you back – you have been missed 🙂

  • jammam

    OOOOoooo glad you’re home and that your sister if doing well, looks like a great trip (yarn & needles wise anyway) nice to have you back again 🙂

  • forbidden knitter

    I love the colours of that yarn and at that price you had no choice but to buy some needles.

    Lovely to hear from you and even though I didn’t know about your sister, I am glad she is doing well.

    I can’t wait to see what you have casted on and hear all about your new yarn.

  • Laura

    Its great to see you back:) Wow what crazy crowds, I could not deal with that. I can barely deal with small crowds of 4 or 5 people. Easter was busy here but not nearly as busy. No cows! Wow that would be culture shock for me. I am off for 5 days after tomorrow, I’ll keep an eye on yahoo for you. Talk soon. PS. I decided to do sock madness and made it through round One 🙂

  • Coley

    I love the recap and the pictures of the malls make me drool. of course the yarn is lovely but the malls…. oh how i love shopping!

    Yuck for evaporated milk… good thing you stopped at starbucks 😉

    So glad you’re back! We’re finally getting back up to speed!

  • Naomi

    Love the recap! I love photos. Thanks for sharing!’

    I’m an LV nut, I must admit. Yarn/fiber has taken over my LV love thankfully. I can sure buy a lot more fiber!!!

    Go to LV in Paris…the wait to just LOOK was 2 hours!!!

    Glad you made it home safely. I’ve missed you.

  • Jen da purse Ho

    AIYO! You got needles THAT CHEAP?? holy crap! I can’t wait to go to HK! 🙂 i hope all went well w/ your sis and that it wasn’t too stressful, whatever happened 😀

    looks like you got alot of shopping done! I love the busy-ness of HK! But i can see how it can get old. I was only there for about 10 days and I loved every minute!

    and everyone is thin in HK even w/ the pastries b/c of all the walking!! haahh

  • Kai

    Welcome back. Best wishes for your sister. 🙂
    Good haul as well on the needles!!

  • Paula

    Ugg, crowds–when I was younger I loved them but now…not so much! That much pushingshovingcrowding would have left me tired and cranky.

    Those sweets look scrumptious–and the women are thin? How can that be? Great yarn and needles!

  • Cinders

    sounds like you had a great time. Glad your sis is on the mend.
    Addis for £2! you should’ve bought tons and sold them on here for a profit!!!

  • Moggle

    Yummy yarn and food! Those needles were a bargain too.

  • Lindsey

    Sounds like a good trip! Glad to hear things are going well for your sister, too, and glad you’re back at the blog. 🙂 Nice to hear from you!

    Bargain Addis are a must-buy, I think, and I also love the colours of that yarn. Too bad you didn’t enjoy yarn shopping there very much, but I guess that’s always better for the bottom line, right? 🙂

  • Rossana

    Welcome home! I enjoyed your HK post. Sorry to hear that your sister was ill and that’s what brought you to HK. I hope she is fully recovered now.

    It’s all rainy today. I’d hoped to do some intense shopping at the outdoor markets in MongKok. We shall see.

    Hey! You got pics of the tasty cakes! I got shooed away when I tried to take some photos. You are very stealthy, my friend. Very stealthy indeed!

  • Amanda

    Wow, I am totally interested in reading more about your travels. Please write more!

    Seeing as I get social anxiety, I think I would do horribly in that busy kind of environment. Like you, I definitely would not fit in with my jeans and hoodie!

    Missed you, and I’m glad you’re home safely. How is your sister?

  • belaybunny

    Great photos – wow, look at those cakes 😉 the yarn looks very yummy and thanks ever so much for the crochet books 😀

  • ZhiWen

    Very glad to hear that your sister is doing well 🙂 The situation must have been serious if you had to flow out so unexpectedly.. and now you had a great holiday, so all in all a good ending 🙂

    The food looks wonderful and I always wonder the same (for Taiwan), how do these girls stay so slim when there is so much yummy food around? That yarn looks lovely, it reminds me of Lang Mille Colori (which contains acryl, probably not as soft as that pretty Malabrigo-like yarn :)) And wow, so cheap those circulars o__O

    LV is pretty popular in the richer Asian countries I guess, the LV store in Paris is always swamped with (esp. Japanese) tourists.. it’s just a logo to me, but apparently some people really, really like that logo 😉

    Anyways, no this was definitely not a boring post! More! Yarn and knitting info too 😛

  • casa

    what a great travel it seems to have been!
    And for Louis Vuitton, I confirm that in Paris it’s the same, people buy expensive things, and a lot of them!!!


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