Daily Archives: 08/07/2007

Hamani ~ One Repeat…..Done

With Mr S out for the evening with the boys, and peace and quiet in the house with just the faint sound of Holly snoring…..do cats snore?(she does!)…….well breathing in the background, I sat down and with total concentration and managed to knit the first section of the Hamani stole.

With a great tip from Lindsey by using a sticky post it label and sticking it just below the line you are working on. I did one section of a 32 row repeat of the stole, in Basketweave Stitch. It’s a great way to knit, in total silence, nothing to disturb your concentration, no one to tell to shut up while you count and no one to scream at if you make a mistake. Perfect night for knitting 🙂



The great tip has certainly helped me look for the right row. Thanks Lindsey!!

Hopefully I can knit a little faster now but my wrist is hurting yet again 😦 so this stole will no doubt take me forever to complete. I want it finished for the winter but at the rate I knit….it could be the winter of next year or the year after.


Holly took a nap yesterday afternoon in the little bit of sunshine we had. Is she trying to tell me that the flash on the camera is disturbing her from her sleep, or was it the sun? 🙂 She sure does sleep funny these days….some days I catch her on her back with all fours in the air!!