First Post of 2008, Chevron Scarf & Learning To Crochet

….yes, you read right.

So you all thought I dropped off the face of the earth and disappeared?? Nah..I just took a little break from blogging and trying to get back into the swing of things after the new year. So how was it, did you all have a good new year? Mine? Hectic, busy, caotic, loud, migraine, in a few words.

I have been spending a lot of time on Ravelry and I think most of you have already signed up. As a result and me included, our blogs have been a little quiet, neglected and so my blog reading has suffered too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about you all, NO!! So if you see me on Ravelry, do drop me a message and say Hi!!

So what has been keeping me busy lately? Well, the Chevron Scarf is finished.


I love the colours and the overall effect of this just using one skein of sock yarn in varigated colours. I wouldn’t mind doing another one 🙂 If you haven’t already knitted one, what you waiting for??

Just before New Year, I had the sudden urge, I don’t know what brought it on but the urge of wanting to master crochet, something I’ve always wanted to try and learn and geesh, is pattern reading hard. At first, it was talking riddles to me, all gobbledegoosh, chain, double crochet, treble and to make things worst, some of the stitches are different in the US to UK!!! How confusing is that?? Nothing was talking to me. Oh yeah, I can do it a simple granny square, yeah simple? No, I sat all day with crochet hook and 4 chains in one hand, not knowing what to do. I even asked Mr Snobs to translate the pattern. Did he help. well what do you think? lol

I set about trying to start the Babette Blanket, you’ve probably heard or seen the craze on this and the desperation of trying to find the magazine which it is printed in, which is now sadly out of print. Yes, pretty, looks easy, no problem. Almost 3 days later, lots of frustration, sweaty moments and tantrums, did I manage to get going with the help of the original designer and friends who all happened to be on Ravelry (thank goodness!!)

My first sample swatch for Babette..


and not only that….a new kind of crocheting…freeform crochet

Aren’t they cute?



What I am hoping to do with these is to crochet about 40 of them in various colours and join them together to make a cushion. I haven’t quite mastered them yet and still need lots of practice but I do like the overall effect of them. Cute 🙂

So what is currently on my needles at the moment? I’ll tell you another time 🙂

There’s some yummy yarns that I want to show you too.

20 responses to “First Post of 2008, Chevron Scarf & Learning To Crochet

  • Emilee

    I love the chevron scarf. Such bright happy colors!

    Those freeform crochet things are awfully cute for being balls of yarn 😉 They remind me of sea creatures.

  • Amanda

    The Chevron Scarf came out awesome! I love the yarn you chose.

    I am so afraid of people abandoning their blogs to go to Ravelry. I much prefer blogging, as I like the mix of personal stuff, too. Don’t abandon us! ha ha…

  • jen da purse ho

    ooooh chevron is so lovely!

    be like us! crochet is actully very fun! heheheh it can be beautiful!

    don’t disappear again! hehhhe

  • jominx

    Your Chevron is really gorgeous, I must get cracking on mine ;D

    The crochet is looking fab, another thing I will try to master this year!!!

  • Kathy

    What a gorgeous Chevron Scarf! And I’m so impressed with all the crochet. Learning to crochet is one of my goals for this year (well, it was one of my goals for last year too, but hey, who’s counting?)

  • Laura

    I love the chevron scarf, it is really cute. I really should knit one of those. I love the little flowers that are too cute. Hopefully I can catch you online sometime.

    Busy with work as always

    Talk Soon

    Take Care


  • Paula

    Fabulous Chevron scarf!! So bright and cheery.

    Your crochet is coming along beautifully–way to go!

  • tuttlium

    Gorgeous scarf. I have the yarn but not the will to cast on. Maybe you will inspire me. Good luck with the crochet. Your granny squares are looking fantastic.

  • belaybunny

    What a great scarf 😉 I love how the colours have come out. And your crochet is looking really neat, I love those puffy flowers. I know what you mean about blogging now that ravelry is there, I too have less motivation to blog!!

  • knitandrun

    The Chevron scarf looks beautiful…the varigated colorway is fabulous!! I also really like the free form crochet and that colorway is a beauty.

    How is your Arwen coming along? I’d love to see some picutres. =o) I ordered my yarn on Friday and can’t wait for it to arrive.

  • Sarah

    You’re crocheting?!?!? How thirlling. Oh. I want to learn!

    Your chevron is adorable. Can I ask what size needles you used? Sooooo cute!

  • octopusknits

    Your Chevron scarf is very pretty, and I love your freeform crochet! The Babette blanket will be wonderful : )

  • knitty, witty, woo

    I too am guity of being on Ravelry and neglecting writing my blog and reading others.
    I love your chevron scarf…so cheerful.
    I rediscovered crochet at christmas and I’m having so much fun with it. I love your little balls of freeform.

  • Cinders

    love the colours in your chevron scarf. well done mastering the crotchet. They’re selling the Babbette pattern on Knitting Daily at the mo.

  • Amanda

    How beautiful! Your chrochet is gorgeous. I crochet a little and find pattern reading difficult as well. That is why I love knitting more.

    Speaking of Ravelry, I need to add you to my friends list. You were there and then one day you sort of…disappeared. I reported this and there was no explanation as to why. Oh well!

  • Coley

    OMG I love those little crochet flowers… you are feeding my addiction my little yarn cake!!!! 🙂 🙂

  • le chat qui coud

    i’m in love with your scarf!!! i’ll try to find the same yarn in belgium lol

    great knitter, i love you’r blog!!!

    see you soon on ravelry!

  • greyowlshadow

    Please can you tell me which chevron scarf pattern you used. Ravelry have a ton of these, and I prefer yours. Cant figure out which one it is. Thanks

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